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AAA Colorado has partnered with TST since 2014 and we have been successful in increasing sales over the prior year based on the product recommendations they provided. - Elizabeth Bogrett [ Director of Travel | AAA Colorado ]

+ 9.7%

Year-Over-Year Sales Growth with TST

AAA Colorado

Customer Since 2014

AAA Colorado is part of the National AAA federation serving members with Travel, Insurance, Roadside Assistance services, Discounts & Rewards and more.

TST Products Used By AAA Colorado

  • Consumer

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

AAA Colorado has partnered with TST since 2014 and we have been successful in increasing sales over the prior year based on the product recommendations they provided. We recently moved to the TST customer service supported model and have been very pleased with the service provided to our members. This enables us to utilize internal staff more effectively while still providing excellent service to our online booking members. 

How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

TST has been very willing to make a trip to Denver to evaluate and grow our business.

How has TST performed for your company?

Our business has been increasing since early 2017 due to adding additional products such as Cartrawler and Tourico.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?


AAA Northern California, Nevada and Utah

Customer Since 2017

Headquartered in Walnut Creek, CA, AAA Northern California, Nevada and Utah is one of the largest motor clubs in the American Automobile Association.

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TST’s speed of development and agile implementation process for upgrades and enhancements was a key factor in our decision to switch from Priceline Partner Networks to TST. - Rene Schneeberger, Manager of Travel Product & Marketing

+ 560%

Year-Over-Year Sales Growth with TST

TST Products Used By AAA Northern California, Nevada and Utah

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Packaging

Leading up to launch, how did you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

Our digital and product teams worked very well together through daily/weekly stand-up meetings and constant contact as solutions developed. Additionally, TST’s willingness to learn and adapt to club specific requirements was incredible and has produced a stronger product for all clubs on the platform. A solid A+ to the TST team for their contributions.

What is your initial feedback regarding the solution and your results?

First month usage is in line with expectations, and cruise performance has far exceeded our expectations. Overall a smooth start and solid performance.

How has TST's time-to-market been with product changes for your needs post-launch?

Time to market with improvements and enhancements has exceeded expectations and the collaborative approach between our teams has been a net plus.

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

We chose TST as a platform solution because it is a club-owned product focused on delivering value to AAA members and our preferred partners. In addition to club ownership, TST’s speed of development and agile implementation process for upgrades and enhancements was a key factor in our decision to switch from Priceline Partner Networks to TST.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?

I would absolutely recommend TST as a technical solution to ACH and cruise transactions, and I am very much looking forward to testing the tour module in the very near future. TST offers a comprehensive solution for our needs and the team is an absolute pleasure to work with.

AAA Ohio Auto Club

Customer Since 2012

AAA Ohio Auto Club is a non-profit membership organization serving 38 counties in Ohio with Travel, Insurance, and Roadside Assistance services.

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TST has performed great! Our online business has grown over the years and we expect it to continue growing with every new enhancement TST adds. - Jan Sliva, Director Travel Operations

+ 13.7%

Year-Over-Year Sales Growth with TST

TST Products Used By AAA Ohio Auto Club

  • Consumer

  • Agent

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

Our number one business need was to find a travel booking system that our members could use online plus one for our agents to use. Before TST, we had two systems that caused multiple issues when consumers would find a price online then call our agents to book but our agents could not find the same price. Now with TST, the agent receives the same results as the members and can book exactly what the member wants. Our second business need was to service our members online bookings and with two systems this was impossible. With TST, a member can call in for help and our agents can see their bookings immediately and assist them.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?

Definitely! Aside from meeting our business needs, I like having control of the suppliers being offered. AAA’s reputation is on the line and we pride ourselves on offering suppliers that stand behind their products.

How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

TST is a great partner! They are easy to reach for questions, and they reply to all of my requests. I can add support items into JIRA and they are worked on very quickly. The monthly conference calls and newsletter are also very valuable. 


Customer Since 2012

CAA North & East Ontario serves Members in the cities of Ottawa, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and North Bay, and surrounding areas with Travel, Insurance, and Roadside Assistance services.

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TST has enabled web travel sales to grow into a low-cost, high value revenue stream, and allowed us to open a channel to Members which would have been cost-prohibitive to open on our own. - David Coffey, CAA NORTH & EAST ONTARIO

+ 53.4%

Year-Over-Year Sales Growth with TST


  • Consumer

  • Agent

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

We needed a white-labelled online travel booking product that enabled us to build a presence and compete effectively in a digital world against multi- million dollar global companies. We also required a product that integrated seamlessly with our existing booking channels and enabled us to leverage our direct supplier agreements where possible. Most importantly, we needed this solution to source, integrate and highlight our exclusive CAA Member benefits throughout the customer buy-flow to ensure that the branding and value proposition lined up with CAA’s promise to fulfill Members’ needs. 

How has TST performed for your company?

TST has enabled web travel sales to grow into a low- cost, high value revenue stream, and allowed CAA NEO to open up a channel to Members which would have been cost-prohibitive to open on our own. The web channel creates additional stickiness and value for our Members, which results in higher satisfaction and higher retention through greater choice.

How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

TST has become a collaborative and industrious partner, keeping us informed about their road map, KPIs and enhancements through regular email, webinar and in person meetings. TST continually asks for feedback and encourages collaboration as the product lines evolve.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?


CAA Saskatchewan

Customer Since 2012

CAA Saskatchewan is a non-profit membership organization serving Saskatchewan with Travel, Insurance, and Roadside Assistance services

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With TST and all the ability and functionality they bring, we look forward to the future of being a ‘Triple Threat’, with a competitive edge that our competitors cannot easily duplicate. - Rhonda Smith, VICE PRESIDENT, RETAIL OPERATIONS

+ 31.8%

Year-Over-Year Sales Growth with TST

TST Products Used By CAA Saskatchewan

  • Consumer

  • Agent

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

We chose TST for our consumer facing site for several reasons- first and foremost being the ability for our members to access CAA rates. Our members want to be able to access ‘their’ rates through all the channels available to them. Having so much information ‘stored’ in one easy to navigate place is a valuable timesaving tool.

It’s also important for our customers to know that if they’ve made an error, or are unsure about changes or cancellations, that they can contact us for assistance. TST gives consumers confidence that they can actually speak to a ‘person’ regarding their online bookings.

Being the merchant of record on many transactions and the GDS integration is also an important requirement for us. Not to mention, GDS and backend software integration is a timesaver and helps to eliminate errors.

We have recently introduced the Agent Passport to our stores, and those using it are seeing good results, and rave about the ease of using the product. It has been a game changer in the time it takes to provide hotels, car rentals and destination activities. We expect to soon see a revenue bump from the addition of consistently asking for this incremental business.

We are currently testing AlwaysAgent with a small subsection of front-line employees and intend a full scale roll out to the front-line down the road.

With these three potent products, and all the ability and functionality they bring, we look forward to the future of being a ‘Triple Threat’ with a competitive edge that our competitors cannot easily duplicate. 

How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

We are in touch with TST often. If we have a need that we believe they can help us with we reach out to them with our wish list. It isn’t uncommon for several TST associates to sit in on a call and ensure they understand our requests, and whenever possible they work on providing solutions. As a smaller Club we don’t have the same resources that larger Clubs do, so their help and understanding is invaluable.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?

I would definitely recommend TST to others looking for innovative ways to provide service to consumers.


Customer Since 2016

AAA Western & Central New York is part of the National AAA federation and serves Members in parts of New York with Travel, Insurance, and Roadside Assistance services.

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TST's platform offers continual advancements enabling our company to be competitive and drive more sales and bookings. - Traci Bax, AVP, TRAVEL & INSURANCE OPERATIONS


  • Consumer

  • Agent

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

We wanted an online travel booking partner that understands AAA, our culture and our customers. TST offers a platform that is easy for our online customers to use and is branded with AAA content. We were not happy with the business to business customer support or the online support for our customers that our previous online partner provided. We selected TST largely in part because we believe their process and customer support on both fronts offered what we were looking for, and we were right!

When we signed on with TST, there were three business needs TST helps us to achieve:

  • A better online booking experience
  • Customer support for when travelers need help
  • An online booking platform that offers continual advancements enabling our company to be competitive and drive more sales and bookings 

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?


How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

We are very interested and engaged with TST as a technology and a business partner. We openly share feedback on product and process improvement. We value the open, collaborative environment TST offers for us to be a part of. 

How has TST performed for your company?

TST offered us more travel options and products for our members to book online versus our previous provider. As a result, we are capturing more bookings and generating revenue in three areas we weren’t last year:

  • Cruise – In only 6 months we have doubled our online cruise bookings from last year. The simple and user friendly interface sells itself. Our travel support center has received very few calls since going live as the interface and user experience is self-explanatory
  • Sightseeing/Activities – Giving our online customers ideas on “Things to do while on your trip” has resulted in 35 activity bookings!
  • Travel Insurance – Offering our online members the option for travel insurance has been extremely well received with over 800 purchased!

AAA Web Shared Services

Customer Since 2014

AAA Web Shared Services utilizes TST’s entire catalog of products to provide online and marketing support for 7 AAA Clubs.

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TST has been very easy to work with, has listened to our business needs, and developed solutions to meet those needs. Our clubs have continued to see growth in many of our products each year. - Amy Keeling, MANAGER, E-BUSINESS SPECIALIST

TST Products Used By AAA Web Shared Services

  • Consumer

  • Air

  • Car

  • Hotel

  • Cruise

  • Activity

  • Insurance

Why did you choose TST? What business needs were you hoping to solve?

We chose TST as our online booking solution because we needed a customized experience for our members that was also easy to change if we needed. In addition, we like the aspect of having a solution for our agents to use as well as a new Cruise product for our members. 

How do you collaborate with TST as a technology provider and partner?

We meet with TST monthly to discuss their upcoming features, provide us an opportunity to talk through our own challenges and how they might provide solutions.

How has TST performed for your company, and what are the results to your business?

TST has been very easy to work with, has listened to our business needs, and developed solutions to meet those needs. Our clubs have continued to see growth in many of our products each year.

Would you recommend TST to other businesses?

Yes, I would recommend TST to other companies. 

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